6080 County Route 10 Bath, N.Y. 14810 Phone: (607) 368-6598 Email: greghenshaw@feaprotech.com
Finite Element Analysis services:
FEApro brings the power of industry leading SolidWorks ® 2013 Simulation Professional to it’s clients. With the hardware horsepower to run the most difficult finite element analysis, FEApro can assist with design validation. This includes weldments, sheet metal, castings, bolting materials, weld joints, and many others.
FEA Services include:
· Static stress studies for linear materials, including displacements, deformation, strains, and factor of safety analysis. Loadings include, but are not limited to thermal, pressure (linear and nonlinear gradients), forces and moments, and any combination thereof.
· Frequency studies to include resonance and mode shapes
· Buckling studies for linear materials
· Thermal studies to include thermal growth, temperature distribution, and heat flow due to conduction, convection and radiation.
· Drop test studies to include stresses, deformation, strains, velocity and acceleration time histories.
· Fatigue studies for analyzing the design life and damage due to cyclic loading defined by constant or variable amplitude events
· Pressure Vessel studies to include combination loadings such as dead loads, live loads, reactions, thermal, and seismic conditions, to comply with appropriate design Codes. These studies can be used to meet the requirements of ASME Code Section VIII, Div. 1, U-2 (d) and UG-19 (b) and (c), with Authorized Inspector approval.
The studies above allow some of the more difficult challenges of industrial design to be visualized and validated. FEApro specializes in the following industrially recognized analysis:
· FEA to meet the requirements of ASME Code Section VIII, Div. 1, U-2 (d) and UG-19 (b) and (c), with Authorized Inspector approval.
· Piping flexibility and loading analysis to meet ASME B31.3 standards.
FEA analyses can be linked directly with loading, temperature, pressure gradients and reactions created by fluid dynamics, which can be analyzed using Flow Simulation. The FEA and CFD analysis can be linked together seamlessly. This allows further analysis stresses and loadings caused by:
· Startup conditions, such as heat up, pressurization, sudden wind gust, etc.
· Rapid process upset or shutdown
· Cyclical fluctuations